Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Great News!

My brother got engaged! We are so happy for you Brandon! Marissa is a great girl! We look forward to welcoming her into the family.

I can't believe that it's almost Christmas! Nikki and I finished up the kids shopping last night. Never realized how hard it would be to find some of these toys Logan wants. I was able to finish up my shopping for Nikki tonight. And no, I won't tell you all. I did all my shopping for her without solicitation from anyone. She's pretty scared! I love Christmas time and can't wait. I have the whole week off work as well, so I'm stoked!

I planned out and organized a Christmas Secret Santa for my running group this past Sunday. We all had a great time and I thoroughly enjoyed making it happen. Our group spends so much time together throughout the year that it just made sense to do something nice for everyone.

My training has been a little off this week, as I'm in a Capacity Planning Bootcamp class for work. Not being able to workout during lunch is killing me. If I get up any earlier, I'll end up doing more harm than good. I already get up a 5am just to get to work! Oh well, I'm still getting my weekend workouts in, so I'll just take it easy this week and fit them in when I can. After all, I only have a few more weeks where I have the luxury of taking it easy. Better take advantage of it and give myself plenty of rest.

1 Comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

You've got plenty of time for IMLP don't worry about missing a few here, the time to be super disciplined is from Jan forward.