Monday, August 20, 2007

Congrats and Good Luck

Congrats to a good friend and running buddy, Nick, for finishing the Lynchburg Half Marathon in a time of 1:42:34. That's 7:50 pace! Nick was 62nd out of 183 runners. Great job Nick!

I also want to wish Good Luck to all my running buddies and friends who are racing in the Patrick Henry Half Marathon this Saturday, Aug. 25th. Amie-Anne, Kara, Aubrey, Steve, Mark, Jesse, Bryan, Jill, and anyone else that I may have missed. Good Luck guys, you'll do great!

Finally, Good Luck to those fellow Triathletes that will be racing Ironman Louisville this Sunday, Aug. 26th.

I'm coming off a great recovery week! Two more hard weeks, then the taper week for my Half Ironman.

Stay Tuned.