Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yes, It is STILL raining...

and I think it is just getting harder! About 66 degrees so the temp has dropped in the last couple of hours and the local radar does not show any sign of the rain letting up - UNBELIEVABLE!

Bryan should finish up the bike around 3:45pmish if he keeps the same pace as the first lap but I am sure this rain is not making that easy at all!

We will head out again to see him finish it up - I found some trash bags that I think I might try to rig as rain coats for the kids - very MacGyver of me!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to see with the live feed and all that RAIN but I've been checking quite often.. I know he had a lot of training days in the rain and wind but probably nothing like this.. He won't read this till it's over but I've been online all day cheering him on.. Go VATeckie!

Anonymous said...

Now the the RAIN .. I know he's got to be worn out! what a pace on the bike IN THE RAIN! This is truly an Iron Man competition.. I hope you get some pics of you and the kids in the MacGyver outfits :-) .. TG